
Phase 2 of DME Competitive Bidding Process Expected In Spring of 2011

The Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Competitive Bidding Program was implemented as a means to lower costs and improve beneficiary services in the DME industry. It consists of a bidding and selection process based on certain criteria determined by CMS. The Round 1 Rebid competition went into effect in 2009 across 9 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) (basically large metropolitan areas). Focus now turns to Round 2, which will increase the MSAs involved by 91, bringing the total to 100. CMS anticipates that the Round 2 contracts and payment amounts will become effective January 1, 2013. A list of the current and projected MSAs where the program is or will be implemented is available on the CMS website.

We will continue to provide updates on Round 2 as the information becomes available. Compliance with the program and its participation requirements are critical to all DME providers in the MSAs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a Wachler & Associates attorney at 248-544-0888.

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