
Recent RAC Activity

Connolly Healthcare recently added 17 new issues to its CMS-approved issues list for Region C states. Below is a sampling of the recently approved issues, which fall in multiple categories. For a full list and more information please visit the Connolly website.

  • Ambulance/transport during a SNF stay to or from a diagnostic or therapeutic site: Ambulance/transport services provided during a SNF stay are not separately paid under the Part B benefit. The cost for these services is considered part of the Part A Prospective Payment made to the SNF Provider. Ambulance transports to or from a diagnostic or therapeutic site other than a hospital or renal dialysis facility (e.g., an independent diagnostic testing facility (IDTF), cancer treatment center, radiation therapy center, wound care center, etc.). The ambulance transport is included in the SNF PPS rate if the first or second character (origin or destination) of any HCPCS code ambulance modifier is “D” (diagnostic or therapeutic site other than “P” or “H”), and the other modifier (origin or destination) is “N” (SNF). The first SNF is responsible for billing the services to the FI.
  • Inappropriate Payments for Transformational Epidural Injections: Local Coverage Determination policy has indicated specific conditions or diagnoses that are covered for Transformational Epidural Injections. Carrier claims have been identified where the first-listed and/or other diagnosis codes do not match to the covered diagnosis codes in the LCD policies.
  • Incorrect diagnosis code billed for blood clotting factor: An overpayment exists when a provider bills for a blood clotting factor with an ICD-9 code that is not included in the list of covered ICD-9 codes within the applicable Local Coverage Determination document(s).
  • Improper payments for Facet Joint Injections: An overpayment exists when a provider bills for an Facet Joint Injection with an ICD-9 code that is not included in the list of covered ICD-9 codes within the applicable Local Coverage Determination document(s).
  • Incorrect billing of Home Health Partial Episode Payment claims: Incorrect billing of Home Health Partial Episode Payment (PEP) claims identified with a discharge status 06 and another home health claim was not billed within 60 days of the claim from date. Additionally, MCO effective dates are not within 60 days of the PEP claim.

HealthDataInsights recently added new issues to its CMS-approved issues list for Region D states. Below is a sampling of the recently approved issues. For a full list and more information please visit the HealthDataInsights website.

  • Acute Inpatient Hospitalization – Bowel and Rectal Procedures (DRG 329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 344, 345 and 346): Medicare pays for inpatient hospital services that are medically necessary for the setting billed. Medical documentation will be reviewed to determine that services were medically necessary.
  • Acute Inpatient Hospitalization – Hepatobiliary Procedures (DRG 420, 421, 422, 424 and 425): Medicare pays for inpatient hospital services that are medically necessary for the setting billed. Medical documentation will be reviewed to determine that services were medically necessary.

If you need assistance defending against RAC audits or implementing a compliance program that will help identify and correct potential risk areas related to RAC audits, please contact a Wachler & Associates attorney at 248-544-0888.

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