
CMS Begins Meaningful Use Audits

According to a posted response to a query in the Frequently Asked Questions section of its website, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have begun Meaningful Use Audits of eligible professionals and eligible hospitals participating in the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program.

CMS indicated on the website that the contractor for the audits is Figliozzi and Company. If you are selected for an audit you will receive a letter from Figliozzi and Company on CMS letterhead.

EHR Incentive Programs provide incentive payments to providers and hospitals that implement designated meaningful use EHR technologies. Payment is awarded based on attestations that are submitted by providers. Providers are cautioned to ensure that attestations are accurate. Because the attestation is a statement to receive funding from the federal government, false attestations could be the basis for liability under the Federal False Claims.

We recommend that providers include “self-audits” of meaningful use attestations as part of their compliance program to ensure that they will be able to produce documentation to support the meaningful use attestation statements at the time of a future audit.

If you have questions about EHR Incentive Programs, need assistance with incorporating meaningful use auditing into your compliance program, or need assistance defending a meaningful use audit, please contact an experienced healthcare attorney at Wachler & Associates at 248-544-0888.

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