
CMS Relaunches TPE Audit Program After Public Health Emergency Pause

The August 12, 2021 issue of the Medical Learning Network (MLN) Connects newsletter indicates that CMS is planning to resume the Targeted Probe and Educate (TPE) audit program. CMS temporarily suspended pre-payment reviews under the TPE program in response to the Covid-19 public health emergency (PHE) in March 2020. While CMS authorized Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) to resume post-payment audits in August 2020, TPE pre-payment reviews generally remained suspended.

The MLN Newsletter does not offer specific information as to when CMS will officially resume TPE audits. The Newsletter also does not indicate whether CMS will focus on new TPE audits or whether the agency intends to resume existing TPE reviews that were suspended at the beginning of the PHE. In a June 2021 Q&A by Palmetto GBA, one of the MACs, Palmetto stated that they “do not have an expected date for TPE to return.” Other MACs have yet to update their websites to reflect CMS’s announcement. However, it appears CMS has given the MACs the go-ahead to resume paused TPE reviews and initiate new reviews.

A TPE review consists of up to three rounds of claims review, with education to the provider after each round. A provider or supplier navigating a TPE review should take care to comply with the program’s requirements and timelines and should be aware of the potential consequences of a review. A TPE review can take months or years to resolve and can have devastating impacts on a provider’s business, up to and including revocation of Medicare billing privileges and placement on the CMS Preclusion List. Closely monitoring the process of the TPE review can be critical to a successful resolution. For more information about TPE reviews, please see our previous blog on Responding to a Targeted Probe and Educate Review.

For over 35 years, Wachler & Associates has represented healthcare providers and suppliers nationwide in a variety of health law matters. If you or your healthcare entity has any questions pertaining to a TPE review or healthcare compliance, please contact an experienced healthcare attorney at 248-544-0888 or


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