
EHR Incentive Payments Begin This Week

The ONC announced last Wednesday that the Medicare electronic health record (EHR) incentive payments will begin disbursement this week. The payments will be made to providers who have met all of the program conditions, including the meaningful use requirements.

Eligible participants can expect to receive a payment based on 75% of their total Medicare allowed charges. These allowed charges must be submitted no later than two months after the end of 2011. The maximum allowed charges used for the 2011 program are $24,000, meaning that the incentive payment will not exceed $18,000. However, the eligible participant must meet the $24,000 in total Medicare charges before any payments will be made to that participant. Finally, payments can be expected to be paid in the same manner as that participant receives other Medicare services (electronic funds or paper check).

If you need help understanding the meaningful use requirements or assistance with negotiating EHR contracts, please contact a Wachler and Associates attorney at 248-544-0888.

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