Articles Posted in Audit

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Physicians and other clinical providers expend tremendous amounts of time and effort accurately documenting the medical care that they provide to patients. Usually, the documentation is intended to be read and understood by another physician, either the physician who created the record or another treating physician. It may also be intended to be read by billers or coders who are familiar with the practice and the type of documentation at issue. But there is another, sometimes very consequential, audience that reviews medical records: reviewers at government agencies or contractors, or commercial insurance companies that audit claims submitted by the practice.

All payors periodically audit claims submitted to them by providers. Medicare and Medicaid generally use outside contractors to perform medical review of the documentation created by providers, but may perform some review in-house, Commercial insurance companies may use a mix of contracted and in-house medical review. Generally, the payor or their contractor will request that the provider submit the medical records or other documentation that supports claims submitted by the provider, review the documentation, and issue findings, usually accompanied by a demand that the provider repay some alleged overpayment based on a deficiency that the payor will claim to have identified in the medical documentation.

The medical records review itself is often performed by nurses, coders, or others that may have a very different level of education, training, and clinical experience than the physician who created the record. Even where the reviewers are ostensibly supervised by physicians, these supervisors often have very high caseloads and rarely have the practical ability to exercise more than cursory supervision of the reviewers. It is therefore relatively common for medical reviewers to misunderstand or misinterpret the documentation they review. Extensive use of abbreviations, specialized shorthand, or clinical jargon with little context are often ripe for this type of reviewer mistake. For example, does “PCA” in a progress note mean “posterior cortical atrophy syndrome” or “posterior cerebral artery stroke”? Does a nurse reviewer with no training or experience in vascular procedures know the difference between Rutherford 3 and Rutherford III? Documentation conventions or usages that would be easily understood by another specialized clinician may not be understood by a contracted nurse reviewer with little to no training or experience in a particular specialty. More often than not, a medical reviewer that does not understand documentation will lead to claim denials.

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The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently announced that it intends to increase scrutiny of fee-for-service peripheral vascular procedures billed to the Medicare program. Although OIG did not describe the specific actions in intends to take, it appears likely that OIG will conduct data analysis of Medicare claims for vascular services, especially atherectomies and angioplasties; conduct audits of specific providers, likely those with high utilization of vascular services or those with prior audit denials or accusations of improper billing; and also review the program integrity measures that CMS and its contractors have taken to address fraud, waste, and abuse in these procedures.

In explaining the motivation for its review, OIG noted that the use of peripheral vascular procedures in the Medicare population has increased over the past decade. In 2022, Medicare paid more than $600 million for atherectomies and angioplasties with and without a stent in peripheral arteries. These minimally invasive surgeries aim to improve blood flow when arteries narrow or become blocked because of peripheral arterial disease but are recommended only after patients have tried medical and exercise therapy, and have lifestyle-limiting symptoms. OIG also asserted that CMS and whistleblower fraud investigations have identified these surgeries as vulnerable to improper payments.

Our firm has significant experience in representing physician groups and other providers in the defense of Medicare audits of vascular procedures. We have seen many instances in which Medicare contractors have misunderstood clinical terminology or other documentation elements relating to vascular procedures and have inappropriately denied claims or even alleged that the provider has committed fraud based only on the contractor’s own mistaken interpretation of the provider’s medical records. Providers who are audited by the Unified Program Integrity Contractors (UPICs), such as CoventBridge Group, should be particularly vigilant in reviewing any findings or claim denials issued by the UPICs. Such denials are generally appealable through the Medicare claims appeal process and may be partially or fully overturned on appeal. Even where a provider prevails on appeal, a contractor’s spurious fraud allegations can have significant detrimental impacts, including delays in payment, Medicare payment suspensions, and further audits from both Medicare and other payors.

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Earlier this month, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) awarded Comprehensive Health Care Program contracts for Michigan’s Medicaid health plans. Health plans administered under Michigan Medicaid provide access to healthcare services to nearly 2 million Michigan residents. In this recent award of health plan contracts, nine health plans submitted proposals. The awarded Medicaid contracts are expected to go into effect in October 2024 and carry terms of five years, with three, one-year optional extensions.

The Medicaid health plan contracts were awarded based on Michigan’s 10 Prosperity Regions as follows:

  • Region 1 – Upper Peninsula Prosperity Alliance: Upper Peninsula Health Plan, LLC.
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On March 12, 2024, several senators wrote a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Comptroller General, requesting an investigation into the policies and procedures CMS has in place to prevent Medicare fraud, waste, and abuse. The senators noted that in 2022, GAO estimated there were $47 billion in improper Medicare payments with $1.7 billion being reclaimed, representing a 2.8% recovery rate.

The senators’ letter was likely prompted by a recent investigation from the National Association of Accountable Care Organizations (NAACOS), which uncovered an alleged fraudulent urinary catheter scheme. NAACOS discovered that ten medical device companies went from billing 15 patients for catheters to over 500,000 patients for catheters within a period of two years. This alleged scheme has been estimated to cost CMS over $2 billion and has garnered significant media attention. Of particular concern to the senators is the fact that NAACOS publicly commented on this issue prior to any announcements from CMS.

The senators noted that this alleged scheme highlights “critical vulnerabilities” within CMS’ fraud, waste, and abuse policies. To this point, they requested that the fraud prevention measures of the Medicare Fraud Strike Force, a team with representatives from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), should be investigated by GAO in order to identify weaknesses and areas for improvement.

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As we noted previously, Medicare providers of wound care services continue to be the target of audits by Medicare contractors. Wound care services typically involve the application of allografts, skin substitutes, and related products to promote healing and support recovery. Due to the generally high reimbursement rates and need for frequent reapplication of these types of products, the Medicare program views such products as a high risk for improper payments or alleged fraud. Providers who utilize these products for wound care services or who are subjected to audit should understand the contours of an audit and be aware of their rights in responding to an audit.

The Medicare Unified Program Integrity Contractors (UPICs), such as the CoventBridge Group or Qlarant, typically perform these audits. UPICs are charged with the primary goal of investigating instances of suspected fraud, waste, and abuse in Medicare or Medicaid claims. Historically, UPICs are quick to allege that a provider has committed fraud and deny claims for any supposed non-compliance with coverage or documentation requirements, regardless of how minor the perceived deficiency. Providers should be cognizant that a UPIC’s allegation of fraud or non-compliance may bring about significant adverse consequences, especially when such allegations are not disputed. These allegations may be addressed by a timely and well-developed appeal of claims denied by the UPIC.

Wound care services involving skin substitutes and similar products subject to audit are generally denied for reasons such as the following:

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A recent report by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) may signal even more scrutiny of healthcare providers who received funds from the Provider Relief Fund (PRF). As we have long predicted, while the PRF was intended as a financial lifeline for the country’s healthcare providers during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the pandemic has cooled, it has become a minefield of compliance issues for healthcare providers and fertile ground for government auditors to demand repayments.

The PRF is a $178 billion fund created by Congress through the CARES Act to provide financial relief to healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. HHS subdivided the PRF into various general and targeted distributions and assigned the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to administer the PRF. These distributions were paid to providers in several waves between April 2020 and the present. While this infusion of cash was likely a welcome relief at the time, it came with strings attached. Some of these strings included restrictions on which providers were eligible to receive funds, restrictions on how providers could use the funds, and requirements to report on the use of the funds.

The recent OIG investigation looked at PRF payments made to 150 providers during the PRF Phase 2 General Distributions. The Phase 2 General Distributions required providers to apply for payments and submit documentation. HRSA reviewed these applications and calculated the payment amount to make to provider, mostly based on the provider’s patient care revenue as documented in the application. OIG asserted that, for 17 of the 150 providers it reviewed, HRSA had miscalculated amounts due and had overpaid the providers. OIG recommended that HRSA demand these providers return these funds and that HRSA review all other Phase 2 General Distributions for similar errors HRSA may have made.

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In response to the unprecedented challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act established the Provider Relief Fund (PRF) as an effort to financially support the nation’s healthcare providers as they grappled with COVID-19. To achieve this goal, the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) was tasked with administering the PRF program, and distributed hundreds of thousands of payments from the program’s $178 billion fund to healthcare providers of all types. However, even though providers may have used the PRF funds for permitted COVID-related purposes, many providers are increasingly being demanded to return the money, and being given little to no notice or information as to why.

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the first batch of disbursements under the PRF program were unsolicited and were deposited directly into providers’ bank accounts without prior application or notice. Providers had to quickly decide whether to return the funds, or to keep the money and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the PRF program, despite not knowing at the time precisely what those terms were. Many providers that are being subjected to the current rash of repayment demands received PRF funds during the earliest distribution phases.

The repayment demands themselves and the processes available to dispute such demands present an entirely new set of complications and may often give the impression that a provider is being unfairly targeted for performing valuable healthcare services during a public health emergency. As the administrator of the PRF program, HRSA is supposed to initially notify providers of any alleged non-compliance with the PRF program terms and conditions. Usually, this is due to HRSA’s claim that a provider has not submitted the required reporting before the appropriate deadline or within the late reporting timeframe. Notably, providers are increasingly commenting that they are not receiving any notices regarding compliance with the PRF program or reporting requirements, or further, that they are later discovering such notices were sent to the wrong address.

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Healthcare providers are starting to see the first claims audits based on analysis and determinations made by artificial intelligence (AI). Although the technology is new, many of the issues remain the same. Especially where the companies that develop AI-based audit tools sell these tools and services to commercial insurance companies, AI-driven audits increasingly resemble audits of Medicare providers and suppliers performed by the Recovery Audit Contractors, or RACs.

RACs are Medicare contractors charged by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to identify overpayments and underpayments made to providers and to facilitate return of overpayments to the Medicare Trust Fund. Primarily, RACs accomplish this by conducting audits and issuing repayment demands. RACs are different from other types of Medicare contractors that conduct audits because RACs are paid on a contingency fee. That is, RACs received a percentage of any funds they extract from providers, making them significantly incentivized to deny claims and demand repayment even where there is no clinical or legal basis to do so.

Similarly, because few insurance carriers have developed sophisticated AI tools in house, they often contract outside technology companies to provide the AI audit tools, and often to conduct the audits themselves. These outside contractors are motivated to deny claims and identify alleged overpayments in order to retain the business of the insurance carrier. This motivation is further enhanced where the outside contractor is paid a percentage of the alleged overpayments that their AI tool identifies. Therefore, any provider should carefully scrutinize any such audit findings, much as they would scrutinize the findings of a similarly motivated RAC.

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In the Medicare Advantage (MA) program, overseen by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) – typically private insurers – receive monthly payments from CMS. The MAOs then contract with healthcare providers and suppliers to provide services pursuant to multiple MA plans offered by the MAOs. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), many providers have expressed concern that MAOs are using AI tools to review claims, make coverage determinations, deny claims, and conduct audits with little to no human oversight.

CMS recently released its 2024 MA Final Rule and a set of accompanying frequently asked questions (FAQs). In these, CMS cautioned MAOs that, while an algorithm or software tool can be used to assist MA plans in making coverage determinations, it remains the responsibility of the MAO to ensure that the algorithm or AI complies with all applicable rules for how coverage determinations by MA organizations are made. CMS emphasized that this included that MAOs make medical necessity determinations based on the circumstances of each specific individual including the patient’s medical history, physician recommendations, and clinical notes; and in line with all fully established Traditional Medicare coverage criteria (including established criteria in applicable Medicare statutes, regulations, National Coverage Determinations (NCDs), or Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs)), or with publicly accessible internal coverage criteria that are based on current evidence in widely used treatment guidelines or clinical literature.

CMS gave several examples of non-compliant use of AI by MAOs, mostly due to a lack of human, clinical oversight of the AI-driven tool and the implementation of its outputs. In an example involving a decision to terminate post-acute care services, CMS noted that an algorithm or software tool can be used to assist providers or MA plans in predicting a potential length of stay, but that prediction alone cannot be used as the basis to terminate post-acute care services. For those services to be terminated in accordance with MA regulations, the patient must no longer meet the level of care requirements needed for the post-acute care at the time the services are being terminated, which can only be determined by re-assessing the individual patient’s condition prior to issuing the notice of termination of services. Additionally, for inpatient admissions, CMS noted that algorithms or AI alone cannot be used as the basis to deny admission or downgrade to an observation stay; the patient’s individual circumstances must be considered against the permissible applicable coverage criteria.

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Among the plethora of different contractors used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to administer the Medicare program is the Supplemental Medical Review Contractor, or SMRC. Like the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs), Recovery Audit Contractors (RACs), Unified Program Integrity Contractors (UPICs), and others, the SMRC – of which there is only one at any given time – also audits the claims submitted for reimbursement by Medicare providers and suppliers and issues allegations that providers have received overpayments. Noridian Healthcare Solutions, which is also a MAC, was selected as the SMRC in 2018 and remains the current SMRC.

SMRC audits generally begin with an Additional Documentation Request (ADR), usually in a distinctive green envelope with the Noridian SMRC letterhead or logo. After the provider submits the requested records, the SMRC conducts the review based on the analysis of national claims data, statutory and regulatory coverage, and coding, payment, and billing requirements. The SMRC should eventually issue a Review Results Letter. Providers should be aware that a SMRC review can sometimes last for several months with no intervening correspondence or status updates from the SMRC. Providers who expect, but have not received, a SMRC response should consider carefully checking their Medicare EOBs for activity their MAC may have taken based on the SMRC audit and note any appeal deadlines. Also, providers should be aware that the SMRC is a regional contractor who is allowed to conduct audits nationwide and thus may misunderstand local rules, state laws, or LCDs. SMRC audit findings should generally be carefully scrutinized.

SMRC audit findings also have an additional appeal mechanism available to them. Where the SMRC denies claims, the provider generally has a right to appeal the findings directly to the SMRC and can sometimes request a discussion and education session directly with the SMRC. If the SMRC denies the appeal, it will refer the case to the provider’s local MAC to collect the alleged overpayment or to other government agencies for further action. Where the MAC demands that the provider return an overpayment based on the SMRC’s findings, that demand is subject to the standard Medicare claims appeal process.

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